The Adventures of Borwar – A Descendant Of The Clan Atlantis – Volume I
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A fantasy book, an adventure novel. The action takes place in the 21st century, so it’s perfect for discovering the hero in you while traveling with your family and visiting places described there, such as the city of Frankenstein or the Polish Museum in Rapperswil. A timeless and trans-generational book with many hidden messages and values.
Translation: Marian Baranowski
Note of recommendation: Krystyna Kapłan
Proofreading and editing: Katarzyna Strażnikiewicz and Mellanie Cotton
Half vampire, half human, specially trained to fight evil, representing the Fallen Angels Borwar clan protects Thomas, a descendant of the Atlantis clan, from werewolves and other dark envoys who want to drag him to their side. The trapper’s task – because this is the nickname of our hero – is to reach the clan convention in Sweden with his guardian.
During this time, the young student learns the secret history of the fight between good and evil, his family, as well as representatives of other clans on Earth and other planets, incl. dwarves, dragons, yeti, elves, mermaids, vampires, angels that travel through magical portals, gradually building a larger and larger team. Brave warriors take on an unequal fight against lurking dangers, riddles and even betrayal. Fortunately, a ray of hope is slowly blooming in the form of love that can lead to victory.
Autor: Łukasz Przelaskowski
Translation: Marian Baranowski
Note of recommendation: Krystyna Kapłan
Proofreading and editing: Katarzyna Strażnikiewicz and Mellanie Cotton
Genre: adventure, fantasy novel
Pages: 304
Release date: 27.03.2023
Publisher: Lukas Frankenstein Publishing House
ISBN: 9789090368849
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„THE ADVENTURES OF BORWAR: A descendant of the clan Atlantis” – is a fantasy book, an adventure novel by the writer Łukasz Przelaskowski. The position in Polish was published at the end of 2018, ten years after its creation. Another four years had to wait for the English version to be published, which changed a lot in the writer’s life. He briefly presented his entire story as a co-author of the book „(nie) Gotowi na ukces vol. 2” (ang. „(Not) Ready for Success vol. 2”) – a motivational memoir of immigrants. Despite the tragic situations he faced, he did not give up and realized his goal and dream.
The story of Łukasz Przelaskowski was also described in the Dutch book “Arbeidsmigranten in Nederland. Verhalen en getuigenissen”, Hassnae Bouazza, De Arbeiderspers, 2022.
„THE ADVENTURES OF BORWAR: A descendant of the clan Atlantis” – this is the title of the English version, which is available for orders in the online store of the international giant, which is Amazon. The book is now available in a cream hardcover with three hundred and four pages with graphically enhanced chapters. The cover illustration has been retained from the Polish version. Translated by a specialist, Mr. Marian Baranowski from the Stowarzyszenie Tłumaczy Literatury (ang. Association of Literary Translators), and then proofread and edited by two specialists from England, i.e. Mrs. Katarzyna Strażnikiewicz and Mrs. Mellanie Cotton. At the end, it was submitted for printing under the care of the publishing company „Od słowa do słowa” ( ang. „From word to word”). The author of the photo on the back cover of the book is photographer Jacek Futiakiewicz.
The first page of the book opens with a note of recommendation from Ms. Krystyna Kapłan – member of the executive committee of the Association of Polish Writers Abroad – Związku Pisarzy Polskich na Obczyźnie from London, producer and director of documentary films, writer. ZPPnO, of which the author is a member, and the second Polish community organization PAFT financially supported part of the costs of translating the above-mentioned books. literary position. Further financial support was obtained through the so-called. crowdfunding, i.e. fundraising from donors on Facebook,, where additional help was provided by friends, family and newly met people with good hearts, whose list of thanks was published at the end of the book as promised by the author.
The position is timeless, and the fantasy motifs contained in it, the fight of clans representing good and evil, the texts contain many hidden metaphors, messages for the younger, older and future generations. Already in the introduction, the author warns against the evil hidden in people, which turns them into werewolves. The writer notes that unguarded evil returns in various faces of plague, war, totalitarianism, which also happened in 2020 and 2022. This is the first volume that aims to make people aware of the upcoming changes not only in themselves from the philosophical point of view, but also in the world on Earth from the climate, innovation and cosmos through its discovery and expansion, exploration, conquest. All this will be combined in the next two volumes of Borwar’s adventures.
I recommend watching the presentation of the book in Polish on the writer’s YouTube channel: Okiem pisarza ( ang. Through the writer’s).
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